Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Epicurean Delights...

I have a rather charmed life, they buy me the best dog food, and usually mix it with duck and sweet potato from a can.. um um good!!! I usually lick the bowl, and want more, but they like me at my fighting weight 74 Lbs. of love.

A lot of times after dinner they try to trick me, they do not feed me from the table, instead they mix up some chow afterwards.. they take the dry stuff, and mix it with whatever they are having.. no grapes though. Couple of nights ago, they gave me some cheezeborgers and sweet taters.. the latter are my fave and go with just bout anything.

After the adults go to bed, sometimes Andre and if a friend is staying over, they share late night snacks with me, the house comes alive while the adults sleep.. lately have been getting quite a bit of attention as I steal my bowl, bring it to my "lair" and chew on it.. it is great fun as the adults start to yell and scream about it.. they do not have a great sense of humor.

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