Thursday, November 15, 2007

Compulsion about stealing clothes..

The other day I was perseverating about the big blue tarp, but there has been something else more clandestine going on. Recently I have had a compulsion about stealing their clothes, I sneak in the bedroom and steal something or anything and bring it back to my bed. The other day I reached under the Bathroom door and dragged out a shirt of dad's. I don't do anything to the clothes, except steal it and then chew it. Somehow my rope and toys are not as satisfying.

Yesterday mom almost changed my name to, TedyI'mgonnakillyou, when I kept taking stuff when she was getting dressed. Sometimes she smiles, but yesterday her smile turned to a frown and she yelled at me big time. Clothes along with slippers are my newest inside items I like the most.. .keep trying to train these humans, but they are slow learners.. maybe I should send them to owner's obedience school.

1 comment:

Doug (aka Doogan) said...

During my recent walks, I saw traces of Tedy B in our neck of the woods. Had to be careful to preserve those traces and not step in them.

Go get-em Tedy B, your parents are pretty resilient.